Working away from home isn’t always as glamorous as it sounds. Sure – staying in hotels are lovely on vacation, but when you are away for a week on your own, and you stay in hotels on a monthly basis, the glam kinda wears off after a while. So whether you are traveling for work or for pleasure here are some simple tricks to help your hotel rooms feel like your home-away-from-home during your stay!
Unpack: I know it seems ridiculous to unpack a bag when you are only staying there for 2-4 days, but I promise you it will make a difference. Rummaging through a suitcase to find what you want to wear is always a frustrating game, and more often than not, that shirt you are looking for ends up wrinkly AF. Do yourself a favor and unpack when you first arrive. Not only will your clothes look crisp & fresh, but having your belongings throughout the room will make it feel like your own space.
Bring a candle: Smell is a big trigger for our memory, and for some people lighting a candle can set a mood or signal relaxation. Personally, I love lighting a candle before bed to signal to my mind & body it’s time to unwind and relax. Packing a travel size candles (preferably with a lid) and a small lighter allows me to continue this bedtime ritual while staying away from home. Here are some of my fav travel candles: Vancouver Candle Company, Voluspa, and any from Indigo.
Use the amenities: One of my favorite things about staying in a hotel is utilizing the amenities I don’t have at home! I’ve always enjoyed ending the day with a relaxing bath before bed, but unfortunately my current apartment doesn’t have tub, so I always look forward to using the bathtubs in my hotels. I pack salts, bubbles and even light the candle that I’ve packed to enjoy the blissful soak. For a little luxury, I always wrap myself in the fluffy bath robe to dry off – the best! On the flip side, I also try to book hotels with a fitness centers so I don’t get off track with my workout routines during the week.
Make it dark: I consider myself to be quite the deep sleeper, but when it comes to falling asleep, I need it DARK! Blinking TV lights or glowing neon alarm clocks commonly found in hotel rooms can keep me up all night, which is why I bought a sleeping mask, I’ve slept like a baby ever since. Another tip, if you hate the pesky light that sneaks through the blinds of your room use one of the closet hangers with the pant claws to clasp the two blinds together in the middle. I know it sounds (and looks) ridiculous, but if you are struggling with jet lag and have to nap during daylight to get back on track, this trick can be a lifesaver! Here are some of my fav sleeping masks: this one from Indigo, Saje’s eye shade, and for a bit of luxury Nordstrom’s silk sleeping mask feels like a dream.
Breakfast: Check your room for a fridge, coffee maker or kettle. If you are lucky to have these little comforts, you can start your day on the right foot with a cup of tea or coffee. If I have a fridge, I’ll go buy a couple yogurts with granola and some fruit for a quick bite in the morning.
I looooove these tips, especially when you feel like you live out of a suitcase. I bring incense with me and it immediately chills me out.